

The seamless exchange, integration and retrieval of electronic health information is a guiding principle that has driven BDM to be a leader in interoperability and compatibility protocols. All of our products, including our new MöV Pharmacy and MöV EHR Optimization offerings, can utilize HL7, EDI, file import/export and other proprietary means of integration. Rest assured, BDM will work with you and other vendors to develop the integration required to ensure your MöV application provides the most successful path to achieving the best patient care.


BDM provides a feature-rich API over web services that third-party applications can leverage to gain access to core functionalities of MöV such as user profiles, patient notes and eMAR administration worklists. Third-party systems can be granted access not only to read-only views of vital information inside their application, but can also be given privileges to write data back into the MöV database, providing complete integration opportunities inside your architectures. The MöV API provides full Active Directory and LDAP support, as well as tools to manage active users and groups. In addition, the API also provides Single Sign-On support and session management for third-party integration.

The MöV API exposes the complete collection of calls that the MöV application is built on, which can be exposed to any third-party system looking to integrate with the MöV platform.


In addition to developing new interfaces that make integration to your existing systems a seamless process, we are always expanding our vast interface library. Standard interfaces within the MöV applications include

  • Patient Registration system for lifetime registration and Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) movement for each visit. BDM can serve as the ADT system for downstream systems.
  • Patient scheduling.
  • POE within hospital environments so that Pharmacy can receive and process physician orders to provide medication distribution to patients.
  • ePrescribing within ambulatory/outpatient environments so that Pharmacy can receive and process prescriptions electronically to provide prescription filling for patients.
  • Laboratory systems to provide laboratory results that can be utilized during order entry and drug use evaluation.
  • Automated Dispensing Cabinets.
  • Automated inpatient and outpatient drug dispensing systems.
  • ATC compounding/packaging machines.
  • IV compounding systems.
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to facilitate ambulatory/outpatient refill requests. 
  • Real-time insurance adjudication of prescription claims using industry standards.
  • EDI interfaces with drug wholesalers for sending, receiving and processing purchase orders and price updates.

Current Integrations

Our software integrates with more than 100 applications, and if it’s not already on our list, we’ll develop an integration for you. Reach out to us to see how we can offer integration with your specific interfaces.

Allscripts Arxium BD Cardinal Health Omnicell Parata Rx30 Script Center Online ScriptPro Swisslog Varian Voice Tech Systems Inc