

You can take advantage of a number of benefits with a cloud implementation of MöV. It allows providers like you to increase security, redundancy and availability while keeping capital expenditures and ongoing maintenance costs to a minimum.

Increased Security

  • HIPAA compliant design and implementation.
  • Data at rest is encrypted using the industry-standard AES-256 cipher.
  • Data in-transit, server-side, is encrypted using the industry-standard AES-256 cipher.
  • Data in-transit, client-side, is encrypted using the TLS 1.2 protocol and AES-256 ciphers.
  • Your data is stored and processed separately from other clients’ data to ensure only authorized users access data where they have the required privileges.
  • Principle of least privilege (POLP) is implemented at the user/role level for all system users.
  • Secure virtual private network connectivity is required for all connections, ensuring only trusted sources are allowed to access the hosted environment.
  • Automatic security updates of infrastructure to ensure patches are implemented in a timely fashion with minimal impact to users. 

Increased Reliability

  • 99.95% availability.
  • Fully redundant design over multiple availability zones ensures your data is always accessible.
  • Automatic failover in the event of an error or service interruption.
  • Fully managed backups of all data.
  • All backups are encrypted using the industry-standard AES-256 cipher.
  • A scale-out approach ensures the application is always responsive to your changing needs.
  • In the event of a disaster, the BDM hosted solution aims for a maximum data loss of 2 minutes and a maximum downtime of 15 minutes.

Reduced Cost Expenditure

  • Capital expenditures are nearly zero.
  • Reduced time to full implementation.
  • Reduced resource hours required from you for technical and clinical staff.
  • Reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to standard on-premises implementation.